Mirante Charme Atins

Mirante Charme Atins

Comforting flavors

By the pool and in the middle of the pousada’s gardens, the Mirante Charme Atins has a romantic, cozy atmosphere that welcomes you as if you were at home. This space promotes the discovery of new and comforting flavors, a perfect experience after a long day touring the region. Couples, families and groups of friends find here a pleasant environment in which to share meals that nourish the body and enliven the palate. At Mirante we serve a hearty and delicious breakfast, which is also open to visitors. 

Instagram: @mirantecharmeatins
Snacks: from 1pm

Dishes: 2pm to 9:30pm
WhatsApp: (98) 99120-4430
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Every bite is an explosion of flavors. With spices from the Northeast and specialties from Maranhão, we also have signature creations, such as a fish crusted with chestnuts and a cassava drumstick stuffed with shrimp that melts in your mouth.


Every bite is an explosion of flavors. With spices from the Northeast and specialties from Maranhão, we also have signature creations, such as a fish crusted with chestnuts and a cassava drumstick stuffed with shrimp that melts in your mouth.

Charme Atins restaurants

R. da Alegria, s/n, – Atins
Barreirinhas – MA